Alder HeyHospital
Hospitals today recognise the benefits of family participation and support in the care of patients.
The SleepOver sofa is perfectly designed to offer over night accommodation for a family member.
Simple to use, robust and compact in size, it is perfect for the demanding healthcare environment.
Our first sofa designed for dedicated Healthcare use

Multiple reclining arm positions
This simple compact sofa with minimum effort can be converted quickly and simply to a chaise, daybed, or full size functioning bed.
Also available with a removable back, where space is at an absolute premium.

Legs allow easy floor access for cleaning
Ideal for Hospitals and Hospices, Nursing and Convalescent Homes, the sofa is made to Contract quality for every day usage.
One variant is available with floor skids to more evenly distribute the weight.

Intuitive conversion from sofa to bed to sofa
- Foot-press pedals release arms to fold horizontal.
- Flip over back cushion to form convenient shelf.
- Lift arms to ratchet into multiple positions.

All surfaces of the sofa are easy to clean and maintain
Ideal for infection control areas.
Available in an extensive range of specialist anti micropial and anti fungal infection control fabrics.

Alder Hey Paediatric Hospital
Since the introduction of the SleepOver sofa in the just over the last 12 months it has been greatly received in a large number of Hospitals and Hospices.
It was specified for the New World Class Paediatric Hospital, the Alder Hey in Liverpool, and used in all of 159 single occupancy rooms.
Here are some of the other users…
- Altnagelvin Area Hospital Derry NI
- Bedford Hospital Bedford UK
- Bons Secours Hospital Dublin ROI
- Cork Medical Centre Cork ROI
- Craigavon Area Hospital Portadown NI
- Doncaster Royal Infirmary Doncaster UK
- Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary Dumfries UK
- Glangwili General Hospital Carmarthen UK
- Grantham and District Hospital Linconshire UK
- Leeds General Infirmary West Yorks UK
- Lincoln Hospital Lincoln UK
- Louth County Council Louth ROI
- North West Hospice Sligo ROI
- Northern General Hospital South Yorks UK
- Royal Albert Edward Infirmary Wigan UK
- Royal Derby Hosital Derby UK
- Royal Infirmary Glasgow UK
- Royal Victoria Belfast NI
- Skegness General and District Hospital Skegness UK
- South Tipperay Hospital Tipperary ROI
- St Francis Hospice Dublin ROI
- St Johns Hospital Limerick ROI
- St Michaels Hospital Dublin ROI
- St Ricards Hospital West Sussex UK
- University Hospital Limerick Limerick ROI
- Watford General Hospital Hertfordshire UK